智萌亲子中心 智萌艺术幼儿园
智萌艺术中心 智萌孩童服务中心


    Gem international preschool , Jing Yang district ,Deyang ,  is designed by a Chinese famous young architect Mr. Huali .Advanced educational  ideas  and service are introduced from abroad. We make  use of a large amount of domestic and foreign resources and technology so as to supply  a overall stage to support the practice of children aged 0-13 as well as  the communication  and consultation of parents.


Gem Features 


    Construction Enviroment

    Gem universal construction  is designed by Chinese famous young architect Mr. Hua Li. The overall architecture and structure are designed by Deyang well-known Hong Ji design. Interior design and decoration are completed by Deyang garden architectural decoration company. Gem buildings are all of  single building design to ensure every classroom can be exposed to natural light. Gem’s building area is nearly 10000 square meters , the investment is about 50 million yuan. Every aspect of the architecture and decoration, Elizabeth is personally involved in . Many educational experts are invited to visit the site. We all explore the profound significance the buildings bring to children  from multiple aspects. Gem is a city designed for children by a professional team .The relationship between the building and the children is close and safe.


    Teaching  resources and toys

    The furniture, toys, teaching materials, books and other teaching facilities and resources are from different countries. we purchase  books, toys and teaching materials.from all over the world to meet the development of children.  Especially the toys, they are the best  way for the children to have the  dialogue with the world and objects.


    Teaching Team

   Gem is constituted mainly by a strong team of teachers. teachers are from different areas and with rich teaching experiences . They and Gem have a common educational philosophy, are  full of enthusiasm,have  a strong the sense of the educational responsibility. A diversified faculty constitute the Gem unique features of diversified learning and growth environment, make the child understand that he is a member of the citizens of the world.



    0-3 years old children and for the parents of a father (mother) to provide proper guidance for parents and children of all ages a dragon service Meng Zhi parent-child center, International Art Center for 3-13 years old children with a variety of artistic experience, Meng Zhi children service center is for parents to provide more scientific life and guidance services.


    Small class teaching method 

    Small class teaching system adopted a strict system of small class teaching, ,the class members are decided  according to the age of children .  in order to reach the best ratio of teacher and children , in order to guarantee the teaching quality.   Small class teaching can ensure that every child gets more attention and help, to allow teachers to  design different courses according to the children's personality development, through the different experience children get to train children take the initiative to ask questions and seek answers , so as to give full play to the maximum potential of every child.


    Bilingual environment

    In Gem a bilingual environment is constituted by  Mandarin and English . In Gem  system, English is not a subject, but an interpersonal communication tool. Gem’s bilingual environment strive to restore the language of natural attributes, put an end to the Chinese style of dumb English, reduce children's learning burden, release the children’s  pure and free nature, build moisten things silently environment of quality education.


Gem’s philosophy


    The view of children in Gem


 The child is a member of society, is the social and cultural participants, is the performer of the history , but also the the creator of the culture  , the child has the right to express their views, like adults, has unique rights of individuals.


 Children are active learners, before entering the school they already have  some certain knowledge, experience, they have a unique way of learning.


 The children have great potentials they do not just have  a simple demand, they are full of curiosity, creativity, with plasticity. They have strong learning, and exploration desire to understand the world around, they are in the interaction with the outside world .they actively construct their own knowledge and experience, they take the initiative to seek the understanding of the complex world.


 Children are strong, they have the ability to play protagonist of self growth process, even though the children have  some differences from others .They are trying to find their   own position through dialogue , interaction and cooperation with  others so as to  find their similarities and differences from  others.


 Children are born to be artists, they can use a variety of different symbolic language and other media to express their own understanding of the world. 


    Teachers’ Views of Education


 The education goal is to create a harmonious environment, so that every child and teacher in this environment feel comfortable, pleasant and happy . Education is  not only in the pursuit of the superficial goals, but it has more emphasis on the inherent quality. Education should develop children's creativity.


 For the teaching methods, Gem teachers are against traditional one-way teaching method. We are also  opposed that  the language is a shortcut to acquire knowledge. They think that education is for children to bring more possibilities to innovate and discover.Education lies in creating a learning situation for children, help children construct their own knowledge through the interaction with people、things in the situations.


 Education should be focused on children. It is from the children's interest, needs and experience . Children has opportunities to participate  and express their views in the process of education and decision-making of  curriculum . But this does not mean absolute child centered, besides children, teachers and parents also play an important role in the education for children.


 Gem believes that in "teaching" and "learning" ,we should respect the latter, so in Gem  "teaching is decided by learning .


  "and holding the hands of children, rather than have them stand on their own two feet." in the exploration process of children, teachers should grasp the right opportunity, appropriate intervention,  help children to raise   questions.


Environment is the third teacher for children 


In the past. Meng Zi’s mother, choose the  neighborhood." it reveals the importance of environment. From birth to elementary school, this period is extremely important for children’s  mental ans physical development .Children's language, sensory, movement, culture and sense of orders and habits, are all establishment and developed in the critical period. Gem’s mission is  to create more suitable  environment for their growth and provide more scientific, more professional guidance.to find  their interests and hobbies, to help them establish their international vision and thinking, while maintaining the unique Chinese culture and self-cultivation.


If we say that parents are the children's first teacher, the school teacher is the second teacher, thene environment provided by Gem is the children's third teacher.


    Educational environment nearly without  science and technology


Educational environment nearly without science and technology.Gem preschool does  not have the computer class. The class is without cameras and TVS.We do not encourage  children to watch TV, do not promote learning computer in early year education. Of course,Computer needs to be  learned, but not in the period of early childhood. It should be put off to latter years for children, because although the technology brings to human being convenience, it also brings laziness and complacency for humans.


We are looking forward  to enabling  children to obtain more balance through a variety of efforts ,or at least make them understand that using hand and brain makes a lot  fun , even science and technology are developed to top period, people still need to engage in a lot of very primitive, very ordinary activities.


Equal relationships


Gem is committed to create a happy, safe and full of caring learning environment. Gem respects every child and employee, all people are equal. Equality can let every child express freely and equally .Equality can help them  deal with the fast changing world confidently. Equality, can enable children to care and love their partners and the surrounding environment with a caring attitude.


Every  teacher is a life-long learner


The concept Gem  teachers hold is that  : no matter which country you are from, you should be a lifelong learner, and continue to expand your present knowledge, improve the ability. Every teacher should provide a enviroment which is focused on children's interests .  Let every child  develop their own expertise, stimulate their curiosity, imagination, thinking ability and creativity so that they can experience the fun of learning, and have the ability of independent learning.


Parents paly an important role in children’s education

Gem pay attention to the the participation of parents in the education that parents to participate in education is not only the right but also the responsibility. Gem actively promote interaction between families and preschool, to guarantee the education of integrity. By the Association between families and preschool, There is a regular schedule for parents and teachers to meet, let parents understand and participate in the teaching activities of Gem to provide a channel for the social teaching of young children.



      智萌遵循中国的《幼儿园教育指导纲要》和《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的,同时结合了国际文凭组织(IBO)的课程,以及意大利的瑞吉欧(Reggio Emilia)教育体系,共同构成了幼儿园的课程体系。







    国际文凭组织(the International Baccalaureate Organization,简称IBO )创立于1968年,是一个经联合国科教文卫组织注册的非赢利的国际教育基金会,是世界公认的国际教育的领跑者。

IBO的教育宗旨是终身教育(Education for Life),它倡导国际主义和对不同文化的理解与尊重,致力于培养酷爱探究、知识渊博、有人道主义精神的青年,使他们成为积极主动的终身学习者、全面发展的人和有社会责任感的公民,旨在通过他们创造一个更加美好、更加和平的世界。


瑞吉欧是意大利东北部的一座城市,自二十世纪六十年代以来,洛利斯·马拉古齐(Loris Malaguzzi)和当地的幼教工作者一起兴办并发展了该地的学前教育。数十年的艰苦创业,使意大利在举世闻名的蒙台梭利之后,又形成了一套“独特与革新的哲学和课程假设,学校组织方法以及坏境设计的原则”。人们称之为“瑞吉欧·艾米利亚教育体系”。 


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